Friday, 29 June 2007

Hours of fun...

A couple of days ago I was directed to this site. It basically allows you to create SouthPark caricatures. It's totally addictive and we had great fun at the office recreating everyone.

It has been a bit slow at work (yeah, I know what you're thinking) this week, so I had alot of time to give this site a go ... Most of them aren't post worthy (I'll show you the office one's after I have left), but these 4 are. (One of which was not done by me.)

For those of you who don't recognise them, these are 3 of my closest friends.


And this is supposed to be one of me (By J) entitled "Amy, I need a holiday".

ps: If any of you have some you would like me to post here, send em on and I'll create a gallery.


Anonymous said...

uhh . . . who's that brown babe in the middle?!!!! :-)

Unknown said...

Fantastic, I'm still laughing when I saw the one on the left of the three wise monkeys. Reorder them a little and those three match a photo I have from last year perfectly.. :)